Why purchase a resistance band?

Why purchase a resistance band, and who should purchase a resistance band?

A resistance band workout is one of the very best workouts for most people, especially those who:

  • Need to lose weight
  • Wish to tone their bodies
  • Travellers in hotels and guest houses
  • Pre-posing for bodybuilding to get the muscles pumped
  • The elderly who cannot work the heavy weights
  • Yoga
  • Pilates
  • Aerobics
  • Some Agility and cross fit workouts
  • You reading this article

resistance band

These resistance bands are a versatile alternative to training with weights. We will take a look at the advantages of resistance band workouts. We will highlight how they can be used with other types of exercises, and we will show how resistance bands may be an ideal tool for your workouts.

Resistance bands are hollow elastic tubes that are becoming an increasingly popular accessory in many gyms, studios and home gyms, even a travel bag or three. There are two basic types of resistance bands. There is the simple closed loop type and the open loop type that has handles on either end. Either type can give you a thorough workout. Browse the links to see the different types and even purchase what you need.

These resistance bands are made in a variety of resistance levels. The heavier and thicker the band, the more resistance it produces. You can use different bands for different exercises much as you would use different weights in a dumbbell or barbell workout. We recommend that as a beginner, you use the lower resistance and then work your way up to the intense resistance. We also recommend, buy all the resistance bands strengths and not one at a time, as the shipping of an individual band is costly.

resistance band

With a little ingenuity, some stretching and the use of sticks in some cases, barbells and a friend, the resistance bands can mimic most any exercise performed with weights. This versatility is one of their major advantages. In addition, working out with resistance bands is a very safe way to train. You do not need a spotter when training with the bands.

You can change resistance simply and quickly with resistance bands. Simply change bands or shorten the length of the band and you have effectively changed the resistance. Being able to change resistance quickly in your resistance band workout helps to increase the cardiovascular benefit of your workout session. That convenience of a resistance band workout is another advantage for weight loss as you burn calories by the number of reps you do versus the weight of the workout. Cardio means basically, high reps, slowly and efficiently with a light weight.

It is easy to take your resistance band with you when traveling on a vacation or business trip. Simply throw a couple of bands in your suitcase and you will have everything you need to work out while away from home.

A resistance band workout is especially suited for many seniors and women. If you want a workout that builds strength and keeps you fit, resistance bands are ideal. About the only ones that could not get the strength training they desire from training with resistance bands are bodybuilders who want to add huge amounts of muscle mass to their physique.

resistance band

Even if you need to use weights to build a lot of muscle mass, resistance bands can be used as an addition to your workout. They can be especially helpful when training your core and abdominal muscles. Hopefully, this article has shown how resistance bands can give you a great workout. Resistance bands are versatile and easy to use. You can build your strength and stability with this safe exercise option. Resistance bands will go with you when you are away from home. They meet the needs of seniors, women, and anyone else that wants to build strength without building extreme muscle mass. Consider a resistance band workout as your way of staying strong and fit.

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